RT info:eu-repo/semantics/contributionToPeriodical T1 突发公共卫生背景下老年人在微博新闻中的身份建构研究 = A Study of Identity Construction of the Elderly in Weibo News on Public Health Emergency = Estudio sobre la construcción de la identidad de los ancianos en las noticias de Weibo sobre emergencias de salud pública A1 Xiaoping, Jing A1 Hui, Du K1 Lingüística K1 Sociología K1 Identity construction K1 Public health emergency K1 Weibo news AB 本文以语用身份理论为分析框架,以新浪微博中老年人新闻报道为语料,探讨突发公共卫生情况下老年人在微博新闻中的身份建构特点。文章收集了人民日报、武汉发布和老年之声三类微博中关于老年人报道的157篇新闻, 分析了微博新闻中所建构的老年人身份类型及其建构策略。研究表明,突发公共卫生事件报道中老年人的身份类型呈现出多样化和积极化的趋势。老年人身份建构的策略包含身份的修饰、身份的凸显、隐匿或对比、身份的流变与跨越等。This paper, taking the perspective of pragmatic identity theory, investigates identity construction of the elderly in Weibo news on public health emergency. 157 news reports are collected from three Weibos People’s Daily, WuhanChina as well as Voice of Elderly to explore identity typesconstructed and strategies adopted in constructing the elderly on Weibo. Results show the tendency of positive and diversified construction of the elderly in China’s Weibo news on public health emergency.Strategies in constructing the elderly involve identity modifications, identity foregrounding, backgrounding, contrasting and identity shift and crossing. PB Universidad de León: Instituto Confucio SN 2444-832X LK http://hdl.handle.net/10612/14049 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10612/14049 DS BULERIA. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de León RD 11-jun-2024