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dc.contributorFacultad de Ciencias Biologicas y Ambientaleses_ES
dc.contributor.authorGarcía González, Marta Eva 
dc.contributor.authorAlonso Redondo, Raquel 
dc.contributor.authorAlfaro Saiz, Estrella 
dc.contributor.authorGarcía Valcarce, Raquel
dc.contributor.authorAlonso García, Sara
dc.contributor.authorFerreras Jiménez, Noelia
dc.identifier.citationGarcía González, M. E., Alonso Redondo, R., Alfaro Saiz, E., García Valcarce, R., Alonso García, S., & Ferreras Jiménez, N. (2011). Conservation status and protection measures for Draba hispanica Boiss. subsp. lebrunii P. Monts., endemic to the Altocarrionés subsector (Castile and Leon, Spain). Acta Botanica Gallica, 158(4), 577-594.
dc.descriptionActa Botanica Gallica es continuada por Botany Letterses_ES
dc.description.abstract[EN] Draba hispanica subsp. lebrunii is an endemic plant restricted to a small area of the south-western part of the Nature Park and SCI called “FuentesCarrionas and Fuente Cobre-Montaña Palentina” in the Castile and Leon Region of Spain, included in several regional and national protection catalogues. This paper provides a demographic study of the currently known populations, with the aim of reviewing the conservation status of the taxon in accordance with IUCN criteria, as well as detecting risk factors and providing appropriate management measures to guarantee survival of the taxon. Furthermore, the creation of a Micro-Reserve for Flora is proposed, as a specially protected area in the zonewhere the most abundant and best preserved population is located. Precise locations for all the previously known sites and others are provided through label-ling by means of GPS technology. The current situation of the populations and changes in them are also analysedes_ES
dc.description.abstract[FR] Draba hispanica subsp. lebrunii est un endémisme restreint à un petit territoire de la partie sud-occidentale du Parc naturel et SIC de “Fuentes Carrionas y Fuente Cobre-Montaña Palentina” (Castille-et-Léon, Espagne), inclus dans divers catalogues de protection aux niveaux régional et national. Ici, nous présentons une étude démographique des populations connues jusqu’à présent, dans le but de réviser le statut de conservation du taxon suivant les critères UICN, de détecter les facteurs de menace et d’apporter des mesures de gestion adéquates pour garantir la survie du taxon. En même temps, on propose la création d’une microréserve de flore, considérée comme une aire de protection spéciale, là où se trouve la population la plus abondante et la mieux conservée du taxon. Sont précisées les localisations exactes de toutes les citations existantes et d’autres nouvelles par marquage par GPS ; la situation actuelle des populations et leur évolution sont analyséeses_ES
dc.publisherFrench Botanical Society (Société botanique de France)es_ES
dc.publisherTaylor & Francises_ES
dc.subject.otherDraba hispanica subsp. lebruniies_ES
dc.subject.otherThreatened floraes_ES
dc.subject.otherFlore menacéees_ES
dc.titleConservation status and protection measures for Draba hispanica subsp. lebrunii P. Monts., endemic to the Altocarrionés subsector (Castile and Leon, Spain)es_ES
dc.journal.titleActa Botanica Gallicaes_ES
dc.subject.unesco2417 Biología Vegetal (Botánica)es_ES
dc.description.projectThis work was carried out in part within the framework of a specific agreement for collaboration between the University of Leon and the Environmental Bureau [Consejería de Medio Ambiente] of the Castile and Leon Regional Government [Junta de Castilla y León]. This relates to the undertaking of scientific work linked to the implementation of Decree 63/2007 of the Castile and Leon Regional Government, of 14 June 2007, which established the Catalogue of Protected Flora for Castile and Leon and the protection format named a Micro-Reserve for Floraes_ES

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