Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.contributorFacultad de Derechoes_ES
dc.contributor.authorReifner, Udo
dc.contributor.authorPérez Carrillo, Elena Fátima 
dc.contributor.authorAchim, Tiffe
dc.contributor.authorKnobloch, Michael
dc.contributor.otherDerecho Mercantiles_ES
dc.descriptionEstudio sobre productos de liberación de activos en la UE: Proyecto (Comisión Europea, Dirección General Mercado Interior) 2007/23/H, Parte I : Comentario adicional
dc.description.abstract[EN] Equity Release Schemes (ERS) transform fixed assets in owner occupied dwellings into liquid assets for private pensions. They thus enable a homeowner to access the wealth accumulated in the form of his or her home, while being able to continue to live in it. An illiquid asset becomes a source of liquidity, mainly for consumption purposes. They can take two different forms: Loan Model ERS, also known as reverse mortgages or lifetime mortgages, provide a loan that will eventually be repaid from the sale proceeds of the property. Sale Model ERS, also known as home reversions, involve an immediate sale of the property but provide for the right to remain in occupation and to use the cash price for income in retirement. The terms of reference of this project, set out in the tender, require a focus on schemes provided as financial services, excluding both private arrangements and arrangements with the primary purpose either of real estate purchase or the provision of care for the elderly. Although the purpose of ERS may be achieved by means of virtually any form of loan, lease or sale (second mortgages, overdraft credit, leases, sale and lease-back or saleand- move arrangements) the research targeted only products that were exclusively designed as ERS.es_ES
dc.subjectDerecho Mercantiles_ES
dc.subject.otherEuropean Uniones_ES
dc.subject.otherEquity Release Schemeses_ES
dc.subject.otherHipotecas inversas
dc.subject.otherRentas vitalicias
dc.subject.otherPensiones privadas
dc.titleStudy on Equity Release Schemes in the EU: Project No. MARKT/2007/23/H, Part I: General Reportes_ES
dc.subject.unesco56 Ciencias Jurídicas y Derechoes_ES
dc.subject.unesco5605.03 Derecho Mercantiles_ES

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Zur Kurzanzeige