Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.contributorFacultad de Veterinariaes_ES
dc.contributor.authorAcevedo, Pelayo
dc.contributor.authorPrieto Maradona, Miguel 
dc.contributor.authorQuirós, Pablo
dc.contributor.authorMerediz, Isabel
dc.contributor.authorde Juan, Lucía
dc.contributor.authorInfantes Lorenzo, José Antonio
dc.contributor.authorTriguero Ocaña, Roxana
dc.contributor.authorBalseiro Morales, Ana María 
dc.contributor.otherSanidad Animales_ES
dc.identifier.citationAcevedo, P., Prieto, M., Quirós, P., Merediz, I., de Juan, L., Infantes-Lorenzo, J. A., Triguero-Ocaña, R., & Balseiro, A. (2019). Tuberculosis epidemiology and badger (Meles meles) spatial ecology in a hot-spot area in atlantic spain. Pathogens, 8(4). https://doi.org/10.3390/PATHOGENS8040292es_ES
dc.description.abstract[EN] We provide a temporal overview (from 2012 to 2018) of the outcomes of tuberculosis (TB) in the cattle and badger populations in a hot-spot in Asturias (Atlantic Spain). We also study the badger’s spatial ecology from an epidemiological perspective in order to describe hazardous behavior in relation to TB transmission between cattle and badgers. Culture and single intradermal tuberculin test (SITT) were available for cattle as part of the National Program for the Eradication of TB. A field survey was also carried out in order to determine the paddocks and buildings used by each farm, and the information obtained was stored by using geographic information systems. Moreover, eighty-three badgers were submitted for necropsy and subsequent bacteriological studies. Ten badgers were also tracked, using global positioning system (GPS) collars. The prevalence of TB in cattle herds in the hot-spot increased from 2.2% in 2012 to 20% in 2016; it then declined to 0.0% in 2018. In contrast, the TB prevalence in badgers increased notably (from 5.55% in 2012–2015 to 10.64% in 2016–2018). Both cattle and badgers shared the same strain of Mycobacterium bovis. The collared badgers preferred paddocks used by TB-positive herds in spring and summer (when they were more active). The males occupied larger home ranges than the females (Khr95: males 149.78 ± 25.84 ha and females 73.37 ± 22.91 ha; Kcr50: males 29.83 ± 5.69 ha and females 13.59 ± 5.00 ha), and the home ranges were smaller in autumn and winter than in summer. The averages of the index of daily and maximum distances traveled by badgers were 1.88 ± (SD) 1.20 km and 1.99 ± 0.71 km, respectively. One of them presented a dispersive behavior with a maximum range of 18.3 km. The most preferred habitat was apple orchards in all seasons, with the exception of winter, in which they preferred pastures. Land uses and landscape structure, which have been linked with certain livestock-management practices, provide a scenario of great potential for badger–cattle interactions, thus enhancing the importance of the badgers’ ecology, which could potentially transmit TB back to cattle in the futurees_ES
dc.rightsAtribución 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectSanidad animales_ES
dc.subject.otherMeles meleses_ES
dc.subject.otherMulti-host systemes_ES
dc.titleTuberculosis Epidemiology and Badger (Meles meles) Spatial Ecology in a Hot-Spot Area in Atlantic Spaines_ES
dc.relation.projectIDinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MICINN/Programa Nacional de Investigación Fundamental/RTA2011-00010-00-00 /ES/ El tejón (Meles meles) y el jabalí (Sus scrofa) como especies reservorio de tuberculosis en el entorno de las explotaciones ganaderas. Estrategias para el control de la transmisión interespecies//es_ES
dc.relation.projectIDinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MINECO/Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad/ RTA2014-00002-C02-02/ES/ Estrategias de control de la tuberculosis bovina en reservorios silvestres (tejón y jabalí) y domésticos (ovino) //es_ES
dc.relation.projectIDinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/AEI/ Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad / RTI2018-096010-B-C21/ES/ EL TEJON (MELES MELES) Y LA TUBERCULOSIS ANIMAL EN ESPAÑA: INTERACCION TEJON-BOVINO EN HOTSPOT AREAS Y MEDIDAS DE CONTROL DE LA ENFERMEDAD EN LA INTERFASE//es_ES
dc.subject.unesco3109 Ciencias Veterinariases_ES
dc.description.projectThis work was funded by the Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) projects (FEDER co-funded): RTA2011-00010-00-00, RTA2014-00002-C02-01; by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) reference project RTI2018-096010-B-C21 (FEDER co-funded); and by PCTI 2018–2020 (GRUPIN: IDI2018-000237) and FEDER.We received funds from RTI2018-096010-B-C21 (FEDER co-funded) to cover publication costses_ES

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