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dc.contributorEscuela Superior y Tecnica de Ingenieros de Minases_ES
dc.contributor.authorZazo, Santiago
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Gonzálvez, Pablo 
dc.contributor.authorMolina, Jose Luis
dc.contributor.authorGonzález-Aguilera, Diego
dc.contributor.authorAgudelo-Ruiz, Carlos Andres
dc.contributor.authorHernandez-Lopez, David
dc.contributor.otherIngeniería Cartografica, Geodesica y Fotogrametriaes_ES
dc.identifier.citationRemote Sensing 2018, 10, 1566es_ES
dc.description1566 p.es_ES
dc.description.abstractIncreasing flood hazards worldwide due to the intensification of hydrological events and the development of adaptation-mitigation strategies are key challenges that society must address. To minimize flood damages, one of the crucial factors is the identification of flood prone areas through fluvial hydraulic modelling in which a detailed knowledge of the terrain plays an important role for reliable results. Recent studies have demonstrated the suitability of the Reduced Cost Aerial Precision Photogrammetry (RC-APP) technique for fluvial applications by accurate-detailed-reliable Digital Terrain Models (DTMs, up to: 100 point/m2; vertical-uncertainty: 0.06 m). This work aims to provide an optimal relationship between point densities and vertical-uncertainties to generate more reliable fluvial hazard maps by fluvial-DTMs. This is performed through hydraulic models supported by geometric models that are obtained from a joint strategy based on Structure from Motion and Cloth Simulation Filtering algorithms. Furthermore, to evaluate vertical-DTM, uncertainty is proposed as an alternative approach based on the method of robust estimators. This offers an error dispersion value analogous to the concept of standard deviation of a Gaussian distribution without requiring normality tests. This paper reinforces the suitability of new geomatic solutions as a reliable-competitive source of accurate DTMs at the service of a flood hazard assessment.es_ES
dc.subject.otherflood risk assessmentes_ES
dc.subject.otherRC-APP techniquees_ES
dc.subject.otherFlood riskes_ES
dc.subject.otherGround filtering algorithmes_ES
dc.titleFlood Hazard Assessment Supported by Reduced Cost Aerial Precision Photogrammetryes_ES

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