RT info:eu-repo/semantics/contributionToPeriodical T1 卫生危机中的语言服务:中国语境下的理论与实践 = Language service in the sanitary crisis: theories and practices in Chinese context = El servicio lingüístico en la crisis sanitaria: teorías y prácticas en el contexto chino* A1 Danna, Chen K1 Enfermería K1 Lingüística K1 Language service K1 COVID-19 K1 China K1 Emergency linguistics AB 二十一世纪初,中国学者扩大“语言服务”的传统概念,将教育、旅游和计算机开发活动等纳入定义,并建成概念体系,多维度观察“语言服务”在社会各行业中的影响。在抗击新冠疫情的过程中,在“应急语言服务”的理论框架下,中国学者、企业家和大学生合力实施了卓有成效的语言服务,包括出版使用湖北方言、各国外语和简明汉语编写的防疫手册,建立机器翻译和人工翻译数字平台和移动应用程序,为弱势群体提供相关信息,关注在华国际留学生的心理状况等,旨在协助解决政府、人民、医患和在华外国人之间的沟通问题。另一方面,在抗疫语言服务过程中,应急语言服务实践和前期语言服务理论及概念框架研究匹配度较低。理论研究应在充分论证的前提下提出新概念和新理论,建立理论与实践的有效联动。During the second decade of the 21st century, the concept of "language service" was broadened by Chinese scholars, who incorporated new elements, such as educational, tourist and technological activities, into its definition. In the fight against the COVID-19 crisis, under the framework of “emergency linguistics”, Chinese linguists, digital developers and university students carried out language supports in order to solve the communication problems between authorities, health workers, citizens and foreigners living in China. Specifically, they published manuals of Hubei dialects and instructions in foreign languages and in basic Chinese on how to protect oneself in the pandemic; moreover, they collected information for the needy communities and cared about the international students’ psychological state. On the other hand, machine and human translation platforms and mobileapplications were created. However, we notice an inconsistency between the theoretical approaches to the term “language service” and the practices in the pandemic, which is why we suggest caution in the development of new terms and in the integration of theories and practices. PB Universidad de León: Instituto Confucio SN 2444-832X LK http://hdl.handle.net/10612/14055 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10612/14055 DS BULERIA. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de León RD Jul 12, 2024