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dc.contributorEscuela de Ingenierias Industrial, Informática y Aeroespaciales_ES
dc.contributor.authorGonzález González, Rubén 
dc.contributor.authorGonzález Arias, Judith 
dc.contributor.authorRosas Mayoral, José Guillermo 
dc.contributor.authorSmith, Richard
dc.contributor.authorGómez Barrios, Xiomar Arleth 
dc.contributor.otherIngenieria Electricaes_ES
dc.identifier.citationRosas, J. G., Gómez, X., González, J., Smith, R., & González, R. (2020). Biochar and Energy Production: Valorizing Swine Manure through Coupling Co-Digestion and Pyrolysis. C — Journal of Carbon Research, 6(2), 43.
dc.description.abstract[EN] naerobic digestion is an established technological option for the treatment of agricultural residues and livestock wastes beneficially producing renewable energy and digestate as biofertilizer. This technology also has significant potential for becoming an essential component of biorefineries for valorizing lignocellulosic biomass due to its great versatility in assimilating a wide spectrum of carbonaceous materials. The integration of anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis of its digestates for enhanced waste treatment was studied. A theoretical analysis was performed for three scenarios based on the thermal needs of the process: The treatment of swine manure (scenario 1), co-digestion with crop wastes (scenario 2), and addition of residual glycerine (scenario 3). The selected plant design basis was to produce biochar and electricity via combined heat and power units. For electricity production, the best performing scenario was scenario 3 (producing three times more electricity than scenario 1), with scenario 2 resulting in the highest production of biochar (double the biochar production and 1.7 times more electricity than scenario 1), but being highly penalized by the great thermal demand associated with digestate dewatering. Sensitivity analysis was performed using a central composite design, predominantly to evaluate the bio-oil yield and its high heating value, as well as digestate dewatering. Results demonstrated the effect of these parameters on electricity production and on the global thermal demand of the plant. The main significant factor was the solid content attained in the dewatering process, which excessively penalized the global process for values lower than 25% TS.es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectIngeniería agrícolaes_ES
dc.subject.otherBiogas productiones_ES
dc.subject.otherEnhancing energy recoveryes_ES
dc.subject.otherValorizing pyrolysis productses_ES
dc.subject.otherThermal demandes_ES
dc.subject.otherCombined heat and power unites_ES
dc.titleBiochar and Energy Production: Valorizing Swine Manure through Coupling Co-Digestion and Pyrolysises_ES
dc.journal.titleC — Journal of Carbon Researches_ES
dc.subject.unesco2403 Bioquímicaes_ES
dc.subject.unesco3322.05 Fuentes no Convencionales de Energíaes_ES
dc.description.projectThis research was funded by FGULEM, grant number NT55-2018. Judith González would like to thank the Junta de Castilla y León (Consejería de Educación) fellowship, Orden EDU/1100/2017, co-financed by the European Social Fund.es_ES

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