RT info:eu-repo/semantics/contributionToPeriodical T1 China-Latin America and the Caribbean Relationships: History, Aspects and Implications A1 Hernández, Emilio K1 Comercio K1 Economía K1 China K1 Relaciones internacionales K1 Caribe K1 América Latina AB 根据2014年国际货币基金组织的报告,中国已经超过美国成为“世界第一强国”。这种改变说明中国对基础能源和原材料具有更大的需求。之前,中国基本可以实现一定程度的“自给自足”,但随着国内的供需差异扩大,这种“自给自足”的模式显然是不够的。因此,中国开始竭力推行“走出去”的外交政策来满足国内的需求。比如,在过去数十年,中国政府不断加大与非洲,拉丁美洲以及加勒比海地区国家的外交合作。本文从历史角度阐述中国与拉丁美洲以及加勒比海国家的关系,分析它们在不同方面存在的分歧,并找出“中国与非洲”和“中国与拉丁美洲”之间关系的异同点,并对这些关系对其他国家和地区产生的影响进行评价。According to reports from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in 2014, China became the first world power ousting the United States. This growth implies the need for access to a large amount of energy resources and raw materials. While in the past China was able to be selfsufficient, this is now impossible because the difference between what China consumes and what it produces is widening. For this reason, it is necessary for Beijing to carry out foreign relationships and policies that will enable it to meet its own needs. It is in Africa and in Latin America and the Caribbean where, over the last few decades, China has focused and directed its foreign policy. The aim of this paper is to provide a historical overview of the relations between China and Latin America and the Caribbean, to analyze the different aspects into which they are divided, to identify similarities and differencesbetween China's relationships with Africa and with Latin America and to assess the implications that these relationships could have for other countries and regions of the world. PB Universidad de León: Instituto Confucio SN 2444-832X LK http://hdl.handle.net/10612/13991 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10612/13991 DS BULERIA. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de León RD Jul 6, 2024