RT info:eu-repo/semantics/book T1 The added value of the Recovery and Resilience Facility-Based on an assessment of the Recovery and Resilience Plans: France, Italy, Portugal and Spain A1 Martinez Morgay, Carlos A1 Gadea Rivas, María Dolores A1 Barrado Vicente, Beatriz A1 Azón, Vanesa A2 Economia Aplicada K1 Economía K1 Política K1 Resilience plans K1 Grants K1 Degree of additionality K1 European Union AB [EN] This paper assesses the value added of the the RRPs of France, Italy, Spain and Portugal in light of the vulnerabilities limiting their long-term growth, and of some main implementation risks, such as the need to avoid financing recurrent expenditures, the degree of additionality of the RRPs, the preference for grants, the lack of EU value added, or insufficient administrative capacity. The paper calls for a political debate on such issues and, in particular, on the role of additionality.This document was provided by the Economic Governance Support Unit at the request of the ECON Committee. PB European Union. Economic Governance Support Unit LK https://hdl.handle.net/10612/18253 UL https://hdl.handle.net/10612/18253 NO Martínez Mongay, C., Gadea Rivas, M. D., Barrado, B., Azón, V. (2022). The added value of the Recovery and Resilience Facility-Based on an assessment of the Recovery and Resilience Plans:France, Italy, Portugal and Spain. Economic Governance Support Unit. https://doi.org/10.2861/47949 DS BULERIA. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de León RD Jul 7, 2024