RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart T1 Borrowing of discourse functions of English suggest by Spanish sugerir in biomedical research articles: A contrastive study A1 Williams, Ian A. A2 Otros K1 Lengua inglesa K1 Medicina. Salud K1 Traducción e interpretación K1 Biomedicina AB In biomedical research articles (RAs), the polysemous verb suggestis commonly used by authors as a hedging device to express tentativeclaims and to attenuate evaluation of other researchers’ work. Ina wider context of academic prose, Biber et al. (1999) classify suggestas a communicative verb, and note that it occurs at a frequency of over400 tokens per million words, is associated with a nominal that clausein over 100 cases per million words, and “when such [communication]activities are reported, they are often attributed to some inanimate entityas subject of the verb” (Biber et al. 1999: 372). Suggest, therefore,makes a considerable contribution to the impersonal style of both academicand scientific prose, and forms part of a cluster of verbs (includingindicate, find, show, prove, demonstrate) that allow writersboth to express their evidence-based claims along a scale of certaintywithout being too pretentious and to mitigate critical evaluation ofwork by members of their peer group (Williams 1996).This function of suggest is increasingly found for its apparentSpanish counterpart sugerir in Spanish RAs, especially in translatedtexts, where the frequency of sugerir appears to be almost double thatobserved in naturally occurring Spanish texts. PB León: Universidad de León, Área de Publicaciones, 2010 YR 2015 FD 2015-12-18 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10612/4898 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10612/4898 NO Lengua, traducción, recepción: en honor de Julio César Santoyo=Languaje, translation, reception: to honor Julio César Santoyo/editoras, Rosa Rabadán, Trinidad Guzmán y Marisa Fernández NO P. 687-713 DS BULERIA. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de León RD Jul 7, 2024