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dc.contributor.authorLi, Yang
dc.contributor.authorWannaruk, Anachalee
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在比较中美网购差评、卖家应答和消费者反应之间的差异。研究者分别 从京东)收集了158条中国购物差评,157条卖家回复和76条消费者评论, www.亚马逊)上收集了156条美国购物差评,139条卖家回复和97条消费者评论。差 评分为显式不礼貌和隐式不礼貌语步,卖家回复分为增进和睦关系和破坏和睦关系的语步, 其他消费者的回复分为肯定与否定两种观点。定性分析之后,研究者们通过卡方检验验证中 美差评语步、卖家回复语步和消费者回复的差异是否显著。结果表明,美国购物差评作为一 种体裁趋于成熟,阅读其差评,消费者可以了解产品各方面的表现。美国购物差评不仅旨在 批评商品,服务等,还警告其他消费者不要购买,而中国的购物差评主要旨在批评商品,服 务等,而将是否购买的决定权留给了其他消费者自己。从卖家回复的角度来看,中国卖家对 差评的回复率明显高于美国同行,但是其回复中破坏和睦关系的语步多于美国同行。此外, 美国卖家的差评回复采用了个性化的打招呼语、含独特的索引号的补偿方式而显得更加个性 化。研究结果还表明,相对美国消费者而言,中国的消费者更容易受到差评的影响。 本研究 的发现为中美消费者和管理阶层根据目标读者调整差评及回复的语步提供了可能性。 The present study aims at comparing the move structures of Chinese and American negative online shopping reviews and managerial responses, and the influence of negative online reviews on peer customer. The researchers collected 158 Chinese negative shopping reviews from, followed by 157 managerial responses and 76 peer customer responses, and 156 American negative reviews from, followed by 139 managerial responses and 97 peer customer responses, respectively. The negative online reviews were analyzed into explicitly-impolite and implicit-impolite moves, the managerial responses were analyzed into rapport-enhancing and rapport-damaging move, and the peer customer responses were analyzed into agreement and disagreement with the negative online reviews. After qualitative analysis, the researchers conducted chi square to examine whether the differences between the Chinese and American negative online reviews and managerial and peer customer responses were significant of not. The results show that the American negative online reviewer has matured as a genre, in that American negative online reviewers not only criticized the commodity, service, etc., but also warned other customers against making the purchase, while Chinese negative online reviews mainly aimed at criticizing the commodity, services, etc., leaving the decision to the peer customer. In terms of managerial responses, the Chinese manufacturer responded significantly more to the negative online reviewer, but employed more rapport-damaging moves than their American counterpart. By contrast, the American manufacturer customized their greeting and rectification with a unique reference code, which make their managerial responses more individualized. As for peer-customer responses, the results show that negative online reviews had a greater on Chinese peer customers than their American equivalents. The findings may provide directions for the Chinese and American negative reviewers and the management to adjust their move structures of negative reviews and managerial responses to the negative online shopping reviews according to target consumers.es_ES
dc.publisherUniversidad de León: Instituto Confucioes_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subject.otherEstados Unidoses_ES
dc.title“垃圾”与“买家当心”:中美网络差评及应答的跨文化语步分析 = “RUBBISH” VS. “BUYER BE AWARE”: A Cross-Cultural Move Analysis of Chinese and American Negative Online Shopping Reviews and Their Corresponding Responses = “RUBBISH” VS. “BUYER BE AWARE”: un análisis de movimiento intercultural de las críticas negativas de compras en línea de China y Estados Unidos y sus correspondientes respuestases_ES
dc.journal.titleSinología Hispánicaes_ES

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