RT info:eu-repo/semantics/contributionToPeriodical T1 汉语附着词的中介语分析 = Interlanguage Analysis of Clitics in Chinese A1 Zhi, Chen K1 Lenguas K1 Lengua extranjera K1 Interlinguagel K1 Chinese language K1 Spanish native speaker. K1 Error analysis K1 Acquisition K1 Clitics AB 本文通过中介语分析,试图发现西班牙语母语者在习得汉语附着词时容易出现的偏误类型,并提出相应的学习策略。汉语作为典型的孤立语,句法关系及语法内涵的表达大多通过附着词的使用来实现,因此附着词的学习对于汉语学习者而言至关重要。西班牙语母语者由于受其母语正迁移影响,在“体”附着词(着、了、过)使用方面偏误较少,而在结构附着词(的、地、得)以及语态附着词(啊、呢、吧等)的使用上偏误较多。研究发现,发生偏误最多的附着词是“的、了、啊、呢”。同时,通过对学习习惯的调查发现,课堂外的沉浸式学习相对于课堂内而言,更有助于汉语学习。Through the analysis of interlanguage, this article tries to detect the most frequent errors that Spanish speakers often make when learning the clitics of the Chinese language. The learning of the clitics is fundamental for mastering Chinese, a typical example of the isolating languages. The syntactic relations and grammatical contents of the Chinese language highly depend on the use of the clitics. Because of the positive transference from their mother tongue, Spanish speakers more or less learn the aspectual clitics well. But when it comes to the structural and modal clitics, the result is not quite satisfactory. The most problematic clitics, according to the statistics from this article, are “de, le, a, ne”. An investigation of the study habits is also conducted. With this, we intend to emphasize the social integration and extracurricular efforts, which sometimes even weigh more than the class hours, are the determinant factors for learning a foreign language well. PB Universidad de León: Instituto Confucio SN 2444-832X LK http://hdl.handle.net/10612/13920 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10612/13920 DS BULERIA. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de León RD 22-may-2024