RT info:eu-repo/semantics/contributionToPeriodical T1 An Experimental Study of Spanish Learners’ Language Transference in Pronouncing Chinese Vowels A1 Chen, Chen K1 Lenguas K1 Lengua extranjera K1 Lingüística K1 Lengua materna K1 Lengua china AB 本文利用声学元音图归纳并比较汉语母语者和西班牙语母语者的汉语元音格局,以西班牙大学生为研究个案,考察第一外语为英语的西班牙学生在汉语元音习得过程中受到的西班牙语和英语的迁移作用,探讨母语和第一外语对汉语元音习得的影响。研究结果表明:母语和第一外语对第二外语的元音发音都存在迁移作用;与母语迁移相比,第一外语产生迁移的条件较为严格;中介语元音系统的建构很大程度上符合儿童习得母语的内在规律。Based on the vowel pattern, an experiment is designed to summarize and compare the Chinese vowel pattern articulated by Spanish students whose first foreign language is English and second foreign language is Chinese, and the native Chinese speakers. The aim of this study is to investigate the transference of mother tongue and the first foreign language in the learning of a second foreign language. It is found that the mother tongue and the first foreign language both have the impact on transferring the vowel pronunciation to the second foreign language. The conditions of interference of mother tongue are relatively stricter. Compared with the transference of mother tongue, the transference condition of the first foreign language is stricter. The construction of vowel pattern in interlanguage is in accordance with the internal law of children’s acquisition of mother tongue PB Universidad de León: Instituto Confucio SN 2444-832X LK http://hdl.handle.net/10612/13928 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10612/13928 DS BULERIA. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de León RD 03-jun-2024