RT info:eu-repo/semantics/contributionToPeriodical T1 The Practice of the “Inclusive Care Policy” of Mohism A1 Herranz Martín, Manuel K1 Cultura K1 Historia K1 Moísmo AB 本文旨在对历史上《墨辩》的部分内容进行探究,这是墨子思想中的辩证法内容,由此衍生出后来的墨家学派或新墨家学派。我们试图通过将其与世界观和时代环境相联系来深入探究两篇文章。在进入了解这些文本之前,首先我们将简要回顾一下现今对墨子学说的一些解释,并将中国墨子主义的经验与西方相对应的犬儒学派和斯多葛学派的经验进行比较,因为这两者在其学说中都同样以世界主义为核心。我们认为,阻断实施由墨子提出的世界主义以及政治兼爱主义的大环境已被全球化时代所替代,使得墨子的政治理论终可以得到实施。This paper aims at contextualizing historically some parts of the Mò biàn, the dialectical part of the Mòzǐ, attributed to the later mohist school or Neo-Mohism. We will try to get a deeper understanding of two texts by linking them with the world view and circumstances of the time. Before going into those texts, first we will briefly review some aspects of today´s interpretation ofthe Mohist doctrine and compare the experience of the Mohism in China with its Western counterparts, the Cynic and Stoic Schools of Thought, since both shared Cosmopolitanism at the core of their doctrines. We will conclude that the circumstances preventing the implementation of Cosmopolitanism or the Universal Love policy as proposed by the mohists have been removed by the globalization allowing the possibility of this policy to be carried out. PB Universidad de León: Instituto Confucio SN 2444-832X LK http://hdl.handle.net/10612/13974 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10612/13974 DS BULERIA. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de León RD 06-jun-2024